Why Video?

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There is no other medium that is as flexible to different purposes and audiences than video.
— Dan

It’s not a surprise that in the 21st century video is the most powerful tool when you need to influence people.

Since pre-history all the elements of video have been a part of the human story: Drama, through acting, recounting narrative with movement, song, dance and then later film, video, and TV. The foundation of video is ingrained in the common sharing of stories. We shouldn’t think video is a new technology; it may use new technology, but it relies on something that is uniquely human, storytelling.

So why video for your business?

It’s multi-sensory.

                It’s the sonic element. The music, the sound effects, the recording of voice.

                It’s the moving imagery. It is the ultimate ‘showing’ not ‘telling’ medium.

                It’s the ability to include written text and icons, complimenting the sound and images.

There is no other medium that hits all the senses. And when done effectively, video is the way to evoke emotion.

The impact of video on all senses means your business can be remembered and recalled from different parts of the human brain.